Jacques Sternberg introduces him to a recently founded news weekly, Le Point. Jean-Noël Gurgand, who already knows Gourmelin’s work, warmly welcomes him and immediately solicits his contribution, which will last 13 years.
As Le Point’s top correspondent, it is Jean-Noël Gurgand who imposes Gourmelin as the creator of ‘impossible’ illustrations. When a picture cannot be found to complement an article, Gourmelin is asked to do a drawing, and he never fails to come up with something that solves the problem. When Jean-Noël Gurgand leaves Le Point, Walter Lewino takes over and introduces Jean Gourmelin to a field which he had never previously explored: game illustrations and rebus conception.
Listen to Yves Frémion at the exhibition opening [mp3,885Ko]
Listen to François Forcadell, scientific consultant and Philippe Honoré, designer [mp3,282Ko]